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European promotion campaign

The great success of the activities run during the second year of the WWB 2.0 European campaign

What Wonderful European Beef! 2.0 successfully closes the second year of the promotion campaign after several months full of “wonderful” activities in the target markets: Japan, UAE, KSA and Vietnam.

As part of the second year of the European promotion campaign What Wonderful European Beef! 2.0, the European beef from Spain was promoted among the professional beef sector of Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Japan and UAE.

According to the established program, the European promotion campaign included the celebration of five study trips to Europe throughout the year: two trips with Japanese importers, two trips with Vietnamese and one trip with emirate participants. The study trips have been such an opportunity to teach numerous potential buyers more in deep about variety of possibilities depending on the age of the animal, the nuances provided by a diet of grains, and strict compliance with the EPM make for excellent quality beef.

Furthermore, the program included the active participation in international exhibitions: Saudi Horeca 2022, Food & Hotel Ho Chi Minh 2022 and Foodex Japan 2023. In order to maximize the impact during the exhibitions, several complementary events were organized, such as great-impact showrooms addressed to trade professionals and media under the title of EU Beef from Spain Festival.  In all four target countries, this was a great opportunity to present the sector and the product. The local stakeholders could appreciate the high-quality beef on the occasion of a tasting carried out after a show cooking by renowned chefs.

Besides that, the campaign involved other activities addressed to cooking students, key opinion leaders and final consumers: masterclasses with Michelin-starred chefs from Spain were arranged in Vietnam and Dubai; several show cooking surprised visitors during exhibitions; and workshops with influencers were held on the four target countries thanks to which the campaign reached a high online impact.

Provacuno team expresses its appreciation to everyone who supports this project and promises more and better for this 3rd and last year of WWB 2.0 European campaign!

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